Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Weight of Guilt

When you are trying your hardest to live a healthy lifestyle you will feel your share of guilt.  That guilt can stem from not putting in the work you know you need to in the gym, falling off the wagon and eating the wrong foods or even the guilt of leaving your loved one's at home while you workout.   The key is to not allow the guilt to cause you to spiral out of control, turn to depression and stop you from reaching your goals.  If you have someone you can trust and talk to freely, share your thoughts.  If you journal, write them down and most of all if you are a believer, pray.  Instead of feeling guilty when I leave for a workout, I think about the positive outcome it has for me and my family.  If I decrease my chances of illness, I lessen the chances that I will be sick and require my family to care for my every need.  When my mind is free and clear of stress, I can better deal with the day to day obligations of being a wife and mother.  In addition, when I can fit into the type/size clothing I prefer, I feel better about myself.  Take the time to do something good for you and push the guilt aside.  You deserve to be the best you possible! Head high, shoulders back & ABS tight! XOXO

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