Monday, September 19, 2011

Understanding Your Worth

Raising girls has not always been easy, they have so many emotions and self esteem issues as they grow and develop, I sometimes have to check to make sure I am not doing anything to add to their stress level.  There issues range from not liking the way a certain pair of pants fit, complaining about the darkness of their skin tone, questioning their weight and sometimes trying to hard to fit in.  I can honestly say that my husband and I have done a pretty good job at combating these issues by staying on top of them and constantly reminding them how beautiful and wonderfully made they are.   As adults, these same issues sometimes plague us...I'm just as guilty as the next person so understand this blog benefits me too.  As a matter of fact, just this weekend while talking to a confidant I said, "I feel fat".  She replied, "PHAT" and I said, "NO! FAT as in larger than intended with an extended stomach".  Because she cares about me, she quickly set me straight and later I much as you preach on self esteem, understanding your worth and not letting one day get you need to check yourself.  So there are a few things I want to get across today...regardless of your current state, the Lord made you so you are blessed.  You may not be the size you want to be, you may not see a supermodel when you look in the mirror but know that you are wonderful.  From the time my girls were little I have said to them, "Understand your worth".  In other words, don't sell yourself short, don't stand for less than you deserve and always hold your head high. So when you think you don't have time for a workout or to eat healthy, say to yourself..."I am worth it" and just do it.  Be Blessed!  Hold your head high, shoulders back, ABS tight and take time to care for YOU.

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