Friday, September 23, 2011

Who's In Your Corner?

In life you should always have someone in your corner that you can depend on.  When I'm stuck at work and my children need something, I have people I can call on.  For example, just this week my son asked me for some money (for a good reason) and I forgot to leave it.  I sent my bestie a text that said, "Please stop by the house and give your nephew $X.XX and I will give it back to you when I see you".  Her reply, " soon as I get my car, its done".  I can honestly say finding friends of that nature is a rare feat but there are people out there.  Now when it comes to fitness, I am that person for a lot of people.  I am here to encourage them, motivate them, provide information on classes, train them and get in their heads when they are slipping.  I am not exempt from the lack of motivation or the need of encouragement and I am so grateful that I have the right people in my corner for that too!  When I am questioning a nutritional supplement or a need for a certain type of food, I can call on Dave Nelson.  Doesn't matter when I send him a message...he always responds.  When I have a question regarding a modification for kickboxing, I can call Chrys Pelton Zinnecker.  When I am in a fitness class, the energy from Shana, Anna, Martha, Katherine and so many others keep me going.  Of course there are many more examples but what I am trying to say is I have people in my corner that I can count on.  Get to know those around you and if you do not have enough people in your corner to support and encourage you...enlarge your territory.  Of course my biggest supporter is my husband, he affords me the flexibility to live my dream and does all he can to make things at home a bit simpler for me...and for that I am grateful.  Keep in mind though, it hasn't always been that way...I have been a single mother of many (foster & biological) and have had to make a way and guess what!  I wanted it bad enough that I decided to seek the right people to be in my corner.  I want everyone to have all the support and encouragement they need and I will give my all to provide that but I am only one person.  I implore you to partner with a good friend/family member and stay committed to your goals/dreams.  Keep your head high, shoulders back, ABS tight and your two pack firm (gluteus maximus).  Blessings to all and always remember...if no one else is...I'm in your corner!

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