Monday, October 3, 2011

You Have the Potential

I was reading, "Today's Word" from Joel and Victoria and it struck a cord in my spirit.  I will share a bit of it and I hope it blesses you.  Today, I want to remind you that you are full of incredible potential.  When God created you, He deposited seeds of greatness inside of you.  He's given you your own dreams and desires, you have something to offer that no one else has.  But, too often, we allow adversities, disappointments and setbacks to push these things down until one day, we find that we're not pressing forward anymore.  We're not stretching; we're not believing to rise any higher.  WOW!   This is so true and so powerful.  In this quest to become the best me that I can be, I certainly come up against disappointment and setbacks but the key is, I refuse to give up or give in.  When I had my back surgery people said I would never be able to do most of the things I currently do.   I believe because I had faith and determination I was able to overcome the odds.  We have the power to speak life or death over a situation so we have to chose rather we want to sit back and take what life gives us or if we want to press on and make a liar out of the naysayers.  When it comes to fitness and nutrition it is very easy to feel like giving up...why?  It's easier to complain about how we look/feel than to actually apply the necessary work it takes to look/feel better.  We all have the potiential to change our lives for the better, we have seeds of greatness in us. Are you willing to tap into your potential to change your life for the better?  I suggest you challenge yourself this week to make a couple small changes and commit to stick with them.  As time goes on, increase those changes and keep track of how you are doing.  I commit this week to pray for my friends/family daily.  To motivate and inspire all those I come in contact with and to give God the glory in all that I do.  What are you committed to?

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