Saturday, September 17, 2011

Exercise & Nutrition

Exercise without proper nutrition is like a peanut butter & jelly sandwich without bread, a husband with no wife or how about life without just doesn't work :-).  I cringe when I see people post their meal plan for the day and it says: Breakfast-Dry Wheat Toast, Lunch-Tuna Pack w lettuce, Dinner-Large Salad w Tuna and no dressing.  YIKES!  Rather your goal is to lose weight, maintain your weight or to simply get healthy you have to focus on both your exercise and your nutrition.  Proper nutrition will allow you to have the energy you need to effectively complete a workout, burn fat and see results.  When you don't take in enough calories your metabolism shuts down, your body holds on to fat and you eventually lose muscle because your body has nothing else to pick from. In addition you weaken your immune system and will find you are sick more often than when you fuel properly.  Again, I am not a registered dietitian but I do know enough about the subject to consider myself dangerous and I have some of the greatest subject matter experts surrounding me as mentors. I try to never go more than 3 hours without eating, I don't mean eat a big meal every 3 hours but I do eat something that's good for me.  An example would be Greek yogurt (Chiobani is fav), a serving of nuts w an apple, natural peanut butter w a banana or a MRP meal replacement protein.  My diet is not perfect and there are days when the tortilla chips follow me through the house and beg me to eat them and guess what...I do. The thing is, it's okay and human to indulge sometimes but don't let it overtake your life and become a part of your daily ritual.  My challenge for you this week is to do your best to maintain a healthy diet, properly fueling your body and getting your exercise in.  I would be real interested to see who says they feel better and are more effective in their workouts, let me know!  As always, head high, shoulders back and ABS tight!  Be Blessed! 

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