Monday, September 12, 2011

Don't Give Up!

It's funny, when I blog I don't come up with predetermined topics, I simply write about whats on my mind. Last night as I was helping my daughter prepare her duffel bag for her first volleyball game, the excitement on her face was priceless.  She made sure she had her volleyball shoes, knee pads, shorts, sports bra, long socks and shirt...oh and deodorant :-).  I asked her if she was excited and she said, "Yes, this is going to be so much fun".  When I went to wake her up this morning I said, "Wake up KK, it's game day", she rolled over and said, "I don't want to serve".  Confused I inquired regarding what she was talking about and she said, "In the game, I don't want to serve because I don't think I am good at it and if I do it wrong it will cause us to lose".  I told her, its not about being perfect, its about giving it your all and as time goes WILL get better. Needless to say in our day to day lives we come across situations that we avoid because we feel we are not good at it.  Maybe you don't run because you feel you can't run very far; maybe you don't dance because you don't feel you are good at it, maybe you don't go to the gym because you don't like the way you look.  My advise to you is, "DO NOT GIVE UP"!  You will get faster, go longer, pick up the moves and change the way you look/feel if you keep at it!  Start slow, stay consistent and when you fall...get back up!  Keep your head held high, shoulders back and ABS tight!  Be Blessed!


  1. Just what I NEEDED to hear this morning. You just don't know how inspirational your words are. Love you, Juana!

  2. Very inspirational, and true!
