Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Listen to Your Body

I wasn't going to blog today because I promised myself that if I didn't have anything inspirational to say, I just wouldn't write.  I wanted to ensure that the words I say could inspire, motivate or educate someone and this morning...I was blank.  After a 6am CRAZY fun kickboxing class, work, doctors appointment for my son, lab work for me and a volleyball game for my daughter; I really thought I would be able to go to hip hop to support my friends.  Keep in mind, I was tired (exhausted) and thought three times, I really should just go home.  I didn't listen to my body which is totally against everything I believe, try to do and tell others to do. I got to hip hop and I knew on song #3 that I had made a very bad choice and it took everything in my to keep it together.  My body screamed for mercy and I caved...I didn't ignore it...I got my daughter, my bag & keys and left.  Rather you are training for a marathon, working hard to get fit or in any situation, listen to your body.  God designed us with what I call warning bells...when you feel a lump in your breast, it could be cancer.  When you have chest could be a heart attack. When you have hot flashes...well your probably on your way to menopause :-).  When it comes to fitness if you want to reduce your risk of injury, give you body proper time to repair/ have to take rest time and you have to listen to your body.  Tomorrow...I plan to take it easy and listen to what my body tells me to do, if that's nothing, so be it...that's what I will do!  Be Blessed!  Hold your head high, shoulders back and ABS tight!

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