Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dedication without Hesitation!

My passion in life is truly people and as much as I love to help others, the one thing that is difficult is trying to help those who do not want to help themselves.  There are times when people reach out, say they are ready to make a change and after you invest a lot of time, they do not act on any of the information your provided. In order to make a change in your life, you have to be ready...I mean, really ready.  At some point its no longer about lip service, its about action.  You will not reach your goals by talking about them, reading about them or even dreaming about have to be about them.  My mother always said, if you don't have your word, you don't have anything.  By that she meant, if you say you are going to do something, be a person of integrity and do it.  That includes getting fit/healthy!  I know time constraints exist, I know children get sick, work schedules fluctuate and your mood does to but you have to look at fitness as a job.  Its something you have to do, to stay healthy, just like you have to work to eat (in most cases).  My fitness schedule is just as important to me as my work schedule.  If it something I wouldn't miss church or work for it...I won't miss my workout for it.  That is a commitment I have made to myself and I stick to it.  Take some time this week to make a contract with yourself...rather your contract states you will take 3 days a week for you to get fit or 5 days, that is totally up to you.  But whatever you chose make sure you stick to it and keep your word!  I would be very interested in knowing who makes a contract and how they plan to stick to it.  Until next time, head head held high, shoulders back, squats low, lunges deep and crunches plentiful!  XO

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