Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Overcoming Depression through Exercise

I can honestly say, 2011 has been the toughest year of my life.  People ask me (and my friends) if I am really this happy all the time and the answer is, no.  I deal with the same issues that everyone else does, I have obstacles just like everyone else and there are days that I just want to crawl in bed and put the covers over my head.  This year I lost my mother, my son battle and illness that left him hospitalized (in and out) for over three months and I myself battled with illness.  During this time I became very depressed, it may not have been obvious to onlookers but I felt it and my close friends and family did too.  During a routine visit to my doctor he wrote me a prescription...the prescription was to continue to exercise and increase it if possible.  Thank God my doctor knows me well!  During exercise was the only time I was worry free...I would put on my headphones, turn my contemporary gospel up as loud as I could and I would praise the Lord while I worked out.  I was off work nearly 2 months and I spent as much time as I could in the gym...rather it was dancing, lifting, running, walking or on the elliptical...IT HELPED!  I began to breath easier, worry less and eventually overcame the deep depression that was haunting me.  I am sharing all of this to make others aware of two things: depression is normal and you can overcome it though exercise.  It may not be the only prescription you receive but the benefits will assist you in getting better. I am a living witness!  Keep your head held high, shoulders back and ABS tight!  Be Blessed!

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