Saturday, September 10, 2011

Making Time to Get/Stay Fit

I am no EXPERT on time management and certainly not an authority on organization however I have planned, scheduled and handle my workouts as I do meetings, conference calls and deadlines on my job.  I set a time and I do not cancel.  How this works is simple in translation but requires a little something called, "discipline".  If we did not go to work every time we were, tired, a little achy, catching a cold or even too busy...would we be employed?  As a member of Corporate America for the past 16 year I can answer that for you, "NO".  So why do we let the same excused dictate rather we take 1 out of the 24 hours we have been blessed with to workout.  My philosophy is this...If I wouldn't miss Church or work for it...its not more important than my workout.  There are times I have to be really creative about when I can fit in that time...that may require me to do a 6 am class, a 30 minute session during my lunch or even stopping at the gym or a class immediately after work so I do not have to leave the house once I am home.  With that said...its not always easy but the rewards are plentiful! Be Blessed & Stay Fit!

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