Sunday, October 9, 2011

When the Time is Right...

There is a gospel song that I love that says, "I give myself away, I give myself away, so you can use me".  "Here I am, here I stand, Lord, my life is in your hands".  This song has special meaning to me and I feel like at this point in my life, the Lord is using me for the good of His Kingdom.  People question how fitness is a ministry.  To that I say, I get the opportunity to meet a lot of great people, share a word of encouragement based on Christian principles, pray for people that need it and provide a gentle smile that can change someones day.  Being healthy and taking care of your body (God's temple) is something we all must do.  Who can be be of service to if we are not physically, mentally and spiritually prepared.  My fitness ministry is saving lives, changing blood pressures, reducing/eliminating diabetes and is proving sufficient energy to make it through the day.  What better gift can I give a friend or even a stranger?  I believe with all of my heart that God is in the midst of what I am doing...He has to be...its all happening so fast.  Sometimes, when we have a plan the Lord will say no.  Maybe the timing isn't right, maybe there is a risk that we haven't explored or maybe He thinks its just not our time.  But when God has a plan for you, He will pour out blessings that will change the way you feel about life.  Right now, I am doing what I love both Corporately and in the Fitness Industry and I believe that HE made is all possible. 

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