Monday, October 24, 2011

Try Something New

When you do anything over and over again, its gets old.  Rather you are eating the same foods, going to the same store, watch the same movies...eventually you will grow tired of it.  Your faith & fitness routines are no different.  If you pray at the same time each night and find that you are falling asleep while praying, switch up your routine.  Maybe start 30 minutes earlier or before you actually lay down for the night.  Same goes for your fitness routine!  If you get on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day at the same time, on the same setting...not only with you grow tired, you will eventually stop seeing results. Shake up your routine to prevent boredom and blast more calories/burn more fat.  I was recently speaking with a young lady that told me, she never breaks a sweat on the treadmill.  I asked what her routine was and provided some feedback on how to change it up.  Instead of not utilizing the incline, challenge yourself!  Use the incline, play with the speed, do some sprint intervals.  She did all of that and later came back to say it worked!  She is now sweating when she works out using the treadmill.  In order to stay on top of your faith and in front of your fitness, you have to be willing to try new things.  Although I am a pretty outspoken Christian...I typically do not pray for people while on the job.  It has happened but its not something I often do.  This past Friday I went to see a friend in another building and when I knocked on her door, one of her employees opened it and said, "I am so glad to see you, please...come on it, yes, please come on in".  I was a bit confused but when I saw my friend/coworkers face I could tell she was not feeling well.  I sat next to her and asked what was wrong and she just started to tear up.  I laid hands on her an allowed the Lord to use me through prayer and boy did He ever.  When I was done, she agreed to go to the E.R. and discovered she had swelling on her brain but there was no brain bleed like they initially thought.  I say all this to make one point...if I would have done what I normally do...sent her a text or instant message instead of going to see her face to face, I would have not had the opportunity to pray for her.  If I would have not allowed the Lord to move me through prayer, chances are she would not have gone to the E.R.  So just as I approach my fitness routines, I am committed to approach my relationship with the Lord.  When I feel burned out...I'm going to shake things up a bit.  I believe fitness is my ministry and I will continue to work on both as if unto the Lord.  Be Blessed!  Heads held high, shoulders back and abs tight!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you , Juana. I think it was meant for me today also in more ways than one ;-) Love you!
