Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

I know we have all heard the phrase used however if you think about it...there is a purpose for it.  It takes time to created/develop/execute something impressive, why would changing your physical appearance be any different?  The task of getting in shape and making a lasting lifestyle change in regards to your health and nutrition takes time.  Do not beat yourself up after 3-4 weeks of working out, if you are not at your goal weight.  Think about this...did it take you only 3-4 weeks to put the extra weight on?  Long lasting weight loss happens slow and steady by making lifestyle changes you can live with and maintain for the long haul.  If you say, "I will never, ever eat ice cream again" and ice cream is your favorite food in the world...chances are, you are going to eat it again.  Its time to change your mindset!  "I will not eat ice cream 5 days a week, I will only eat it 1 or 2.  In addition, I will not eat a gallon, I will eat a proper serving".  Making a lifestyle change is not always easy but if you evaluate what you are doing that's failing and make reasonable changes and continue to re-evaluate them over time, you can do it.  I do not always eat a matter of fact, last night I had Chiobani Greek Yogurt and a protein bar w Doritos.  Now why on earth did I add the Doritos?  Because I'm human! Also, because I know that I will work it off and I have been walking my lifestyle change long enough to know that an occasional serving of Doritos will not send me into a tailspin.  Be patient, my friends!  If you put in the work,  your change will come.  Be consistent!  Be accountable! Be determined & Be a game changer!  Heads high, shoulders back and abs tight! Be Blessed!

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