Monday, October 31, 2011

Sabatoging Yourself

With the holiday's approaching and trick or treating amongst us, it is so easy to fall off the wagon.  In order to stay true to yourself and your goals you are going to need a plan.  Its not good enough to just sit back and allow yourself to be over taken by the temptation to over indulge.  If you know for a fact that you plan to take some time off of your lifestyle change during the holiday' not give up on your exercise goals.  In addition, do not let Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day turn into a a full month of over eating/limited to no movement.  Take just the days listed as your, "cheat" day and when the holiday is finished...your indulgence should be finished as well.  Every holiday, I am in the gym working EXTRA hard.  I workout extra hard for the full week leading up to and the full week after.  Not that I do not put in work on a  semi daily basis, but I work hard to create a big calorie deficit to keep any extra weight at bay. Since I do all of the holiday cooking for my family and friends, its often hard to stay on task but I pray about it, I journal what I eat and I use my family as taste testers.  I am known for my cooking and baking so each year the dessert table is full of goodies, homemade chocolate cakes, carrot cake, sweet potato pies, apple pies, cookies, pound cakes etc.  I pick the two items I want the most and that is what I eat.  Although my husband often objects, I send whole pies home with my guest for them to enjoy with their families.  Its not easy but if you have faith (the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen) you can be successful this holiday season.  Many Blessings and many pounds lost! XOXO
Heads held high, shoulders back and abs tight!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Try Something New

When you do anything over and over again, its gets old.  Rather you are eating the same foods, going to the same store, watch the same movies...eventually you will grow tired of it.  Your faith & fitness routines are no different.  If you pray at the same time each night and find that you are falling asleep while praying, switch up your routine.  Maybe start 30 minutes earlier or before you actually lay down for the night.  Same goes for your fitness routine!  If you get on the treadmill for 30 minutes each day at the same time, on the same setting...not only with you grow tired, you will eventually stop seeing results. Shake up your routine to prevent boredom and blast more calories/burn more fat.  I was recently speaking with a young lady that told me, she never breaks a sweat on the treadmill.  I asked what her routine was and provided some feedback on how to change it up.  Instead of not utilizing the incline, challenge yourself!  Use the incline, play with the speed, do some sprint intervals.  She did all of that and later came back to say it worked!  She is now sweating when she works out using the treadmill.  In order to stay on top of your faith and in front of your fitness, you have to be willing to try new things.  Although I am a pretty outspoken Christian...I typically do not pray for people while on the job.  It has happened but its not something I often do.  This past Friday I went to see a friend in another building and when I knocked on her door, one of her employees opened it and said, "I am so glad to see you, please...come on it, yes, please come on in".  I was a bit confused but when I saw my friend/coworkers face I could tell she was not feeling well.  I sat next to her and asked what was wrong and she just started to tear up.  I laid hands on her an allowed the Lord to use me through prayer and boy did He ever.  When I was done, she agreed to go to the E.R. and discovered she had swelling on her brain but there was no brain bleed like they initially thought.  I say all this to make one point...if I would have done what I normally do...sent her a text or instant message instead of going to see her face to face, I would have not had the opportunity to pray for her.  If I would have not allowed the Lord to move me through prayer, chances are she would not have gone to the E.R.  So just as I approach my fitness routines, I am committed to approach my relationship with the Lord.  When I feel burned out...I'm going to shake things up a bit.  I believe fitness is my ministry and I will continue to work on both as if unto the Lord.  Be Blessed!  Heads held high, shoulders back and abs tight!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Bad Do You Want It?

How Bad Do You Want It?
Most recently I have received a lot of very encouraging text, voicemail messages, email and FB messages from people all over the world stating how my post motivate them to get moving.  I am very thankful for that however I have also received a few lately that say, what you are doing is wonderful but I just don’t have time.  In addition to not having time, some say they can’t afford to buy healthy food.  My question back is simple, “How bad do you want it”?  If you want to be healthy, if you are ready to make that change, you will seek ways to get you there.  I asked one of the individual, what would you normally buy to fix for dinner that is so inexpensive?  She replied, “A pack of chicken legs to fry, a bag of french fries and a can of green beans”.  I recommended she remove the skin from the chicken legs and bake them (provided a recipe), instead of a bag of fries, purchase a bag of broccoli (store brand is about $1.79) and grab a bag of rice as an additional side.  Not only do you save money by not having to buy oil and flour to fry…you save a ton of calories.  I am quick to state, I am not a nutritionist therefore I do not provide, “meal plans” but a little advice on how to turn a high calorie meal into a healthy filling meal, I will do.  When it comes to not having time to workout, my question again is, “How bad do you want it”?  We find time to watch our favorite reality shows, to shop at the mall, to meet friends for drinks and a host of other things, so how do we not have time to get fit?  Just this morning, I met a friend who wanted a partner to workout with in the wee hours of the morning, not because I wanted to but because I knew she needed that extra push and someone to be accountable to.  If you need that, seek out someone who can provide that for you.  They don’t necessarily have to go workout with you but text that person to say you are heading to workout, send them an email at the end of the day to outline what you did to get fit.  That person can help motivate you by encouraging you, responding to your messages and if they don’t hear from you…calling you out on why you didn’t move that day.  If you don’t have that person…you can email me .  Yep, I will take your emails and I will commit to help you stay accountable.  When I receive too many…I will enlist my fitness friends to help you along the way.  I have some great people in my corner that know the struggle and are willing to help you commit to be fit.    So instead of making excuses, how about together we make a lifestyle change!  Be Blessed!  Head up, Shoulders Back and Abs tight! XOXO

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

I know we have all heard the phrase used however if you think about it...there is a purpose for it.  It takes time to created/develop/execute something impressive, why would changing your physical appearance be any different?  The task of getting in shape and making a lasting lifestyle change in regards to your health and nutrition takes time.  Do not beat yourself up after 3-4 weeks of working out, if you are not at your goal weight.  Think about this...did it take you only 3-4 weeks to put the extra weight on?  Long lasting weight loss happens slow and steady by making lifestyle changes you can live with and maintain for the long haul.  If you say, "I will never, ever eat ice cream again" and ice cream is your favorite food in the world...chances are, you are going to eat it again.  Its time to change your mindset!  "I will not eat ice cream 5 days a week, I will only eat it 1 or 2.  In addition, I will not eat a gallon, I will eat a proper serving".  Making a lifestyle change is not always easy but if you evaluate what you are doing that's failing and make reasonable changes and continue to re-evaluate them over time, you can do it.  I do not always eat a matter of fact, last night I had Chiobani Greek Yogurt and a protein bar w Doritos.  Now why on earth did I add the Doritos?  Because I'm human! Also, because I know that I will work it off and I have been walking my lifestyle change long enough to know that an occasional serving of Doritos will not send me into a tailspin.  Be patient, my friends!  If you put in the work,  your change will come.  Be consistent!  Be accountable! Be determined & Be a game changer!  Heads high, shoulders back and abs tight! Be Blessed!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

When the Time is Right...

There is a gospel song that I love that says, "I give myself away, I give myself away, so you can use me".  "Here I am, here I stand, Lord, my life is in your hands".  This song has special meaning to me and I feel like at this point in my life, the Lord is using me for the good of His Kingdom.  People question how fitness is a ministry.  To that I say, I get the opportunity to meet a lot of great people, share a word of encouragement based on Christian principles, pray for people that need it and provide a gentle smile that can change someones day.  Being healthy and taking care of your body (God's temple) is something we all must do.  Who can be be of service to if we are not physically, mentally and spiritually prepared.  My fitness ministry is saving lives, changing blood pressures, reducing/eliminating diabetes and is proving sufficient energy to make it through the day.  What better gift can I give a friend or even a stranger?  I believe with all of my heart that God is in the midst of what I am doing...He has to be...its all happening so fast.  Sometimes, when we have a plan the Lord will say no.  Maybe the timing isn't right, maybe there is a risk that we haven't explored or maybe He thinks its just not our time.  But when God has a plan for you, He will pour out blessings that will change the way you feel about life.  Right now, I am doing what I love both Corporately and in the Fitness Industry and I believe that HE made is all possible. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time is Precious

I love working out more than most people but in the same token, I hate to waste my time.  When I go to a group fitness class, I am expecting the instructor to kick my butt.  If I'm paying, I certainly want to break a sweat.  I have spent a lot of time researching what classes work best for me and have determined that some more than others provide me with a full body workout and a high calorie burn.  I hear people say, "Why do you promote so many gyms/classes?", the truth is...I have a lot of friends in fitness.  No, I do not promote them all...if I go to one of their classes and I don't feel worked when I won't see me post about them.  But if I go and I feel like they are providing a quality class, I recommend them to others.  Although, I happen to think I run a excellent boot camp, I know that it takes more than 2 days per week to get to your goals.  When you have a chance to walk, run, jog, jump, skip or it!  Do whatever you can with whatever you have to get your heart rate pumping.  If you are at the park with your kids, do the monkey bars, climb up and down the ladder to the slide or do a few laps around the area playing tag with your child/children.  I often have to take conference calls at work and I do squats, leg lifts, lunges and push ups against my desk.  I don't do this, "all" of the time, but when I'm feeling sluggish, it really helps.  I challenge you this week to try some of these tips and keep track of how may sets you actually do.  I bet you will be surprised by weeks end.  Head held high, shoulders back and abs tight!  Oh, and please, please, please, fuel your body!  You are so worth it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fueling Your Body

There is a myth in the, "diet" world that if you don't eat you lose weight.  Well the truth is, if you don't eat you will lose weight however you also lose muscle, become fatigue, have headaches, lose hair and a host of other undesirable things. The other danger to not eating is that your metabolism will shut down which can be irreversible if you are severely under nourished.    Your body moves into, "starvation" mode which means when you start to eat again...your body will hold on to everything it can to protect itself from being starved.  Proper nutrition is necessary to fuel your body, burn fat and help to build lean muscles.  I am not a nutritionist so I am not in the business of providing nutritional plans however if that is something you are interested in, I can point you in the right direction.  I can suggest though that you eat several small meals (quality meals) a day 4-6 and that you make sure you are taking in the proper amounts of protein which assist in building lean muscle.  I often find myself the butt of many jokes regarding how much and how often I eat.  Because I workout/train a lot, it is of the utmost importance that I properly fuel.  Don't be afraid that fueling will mean you will be fat...that is not the case if you are fueling properly.  If you are eating 1600 calories of cookies/cupcakes you are not going to look or feel your best so eat right, workout and watch your body change. Keep your head held high, shoulders back and abs tight!  Keep smiling and be blessed!

Monday, October 3, 2011

You Have the Potential

I was reading, "Today's Word" from Joel and Victoria and it struck a cord in my spirit.  I will share a bit of it and I hope it blesses you.  Today, I want to remind you that you are full of incredible potential.  When God created you, He deposited seeds of greatness inside of you.  He's given you your own dreams and desires, you have something to offer that no one else has.  But, too often, we allow adversities, disappointments and setbacks to push these things down until one day, we find that we're not pressing forward anymore.  We're not stretching; we're not believing to rise any higher.  WOW!   This is so true and so powerful.  In this quest to become the best me that I can be, I certainly come up against disappointment and setbacks but the key is, I refuse to give up or give in.  When I had my back surgery people said I would never be able to do most of the things I currently do.   I believe because I had faith and determination I was able to overcome the odds.  We have the power to speak life or death over a situation so we have to chose rather we want to sit back and take what life gives us or if we want to press on and make a liar out of the naysayers.  When it comes to fitness and nutrition it is very easy to feel like giving up...why?  It's easier to complain about how we look/feel than to actually apply the necessary work it takes to look/feel better.  We all have the potiential to change our lives for the better, we have seeds of greatness in us. Are you willing to tap into your potential to change your life for the better?  I suggest you challenge yourself this week to make a couple small changes and commit to stick with them.  As time goes on, increase those changes and keep track of how you are doing.  I commit this week to pray for my friends/family daily.  To motivate and inspire all those I come in contact with and to give God the glory in all that I do.  What are you committed to?