Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving - What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving this year for me and my family will be bitter sweet.  Of course we will enjoy the food, fun and festivities but we will without a doubt be missing the one person who has always been the backbone of our family...our mother.  This past May we lost our mom to a massive stroke, she past quickly but each one of us had the chance to say goodbye, rather in person or via the phone.  I don't want to put a damper on the joy of Thanksgiving, as a matter of fact, I want to highlight the many things we should be thankful for.  Often times we see an obstacle as the end of the world and act as if we can't make it past it...I'm guilty so this is not directed at anyone.  Instead of thinking we can't make it, or we won't make it...let's give thanks that we DID make it.  There are no guarantees in life and we do not know when our time is up so it is up to us to live the life we have always imagine.  Take a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for and commit to naming at least one blessing you have received each day.  I will start with this...I am thankful that I serve a mighty God.  I am thankful that despite my ways, He continues to bless me day after day.  I am thankful for a wonderful place to worship, a handsome & loving husband and spoiled, adorable, exhausting and entertaining kids.  I am thankful for a brother who has always protected me and had my back.  I am thankful for two sisters who have been instrumental in teaching me lots of life lessons and a mother with wisdom beyond measure. I am also thankful for a father who brings a glow to my face with the simple sound of his voice. I am thankful and grateful for wonderful friends...I have met so many people through group fitness that I affectionately refer to as my, "fitness family" and I can't image my life without them.  I know I will forget someone so I won't even attempt to name them all but you guys know who you are.  I am also very thankful for Dave N. who pushed me to take a leap of faith and live my fitness dreams...to my Aussie friend, I have nothin' but love for ya!  I know I mentioned my husband earlier but you all have no idea how thankful I am for that man.  He has stuck by my side through all that life has thrown our way from major surgeries to temper tantrums and despite it all he loves me and there is no doubt about it.  We may not always see eye to eye but we are committed to keeping our crazy family in tact!  During this past year there have been a few people that have shown undeniable loyalty to our family...my sister Calvina, my best friends, Katia, Michelle (Mick T) and LaShana.  Words can not express my gratitude and I am forever thankful for you!  Well, I think you get the picture...regardless of what storm you are in right now...If you think hard enough, you will find something to be thankful for.  I did! Heads held high, shoulders back, abs tight!  XOXO Many Blessings!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Amazing Grace

I was thinking about God's amazing grace today and I couldn't help but smile.  I have been blessed in so many ways and even when things get hard, I know that trouble does not last always.  I can always count on God's amazing grace, even when I am not most deserving.  I felt that way today when I was doing my photo shoot with Hey Lucy Photography.  What are the chances of someone getting to completely live the life they want with a support system as strong as mine?  When I say support system, I first and foremost mean my husband.  It doesn't matter if I have a 5:15am class or a 8pm class he makes sure our house & our kids are taken care of.  He realizes fitness & faith are very important to me and encourages me and commends me for taking a hobby that I am so passionate about and making it my reality.  In addition to my husband I have make some great friends along the way that make what I do worth it.  Its no secret that I have had some health issues in my lifetime which makes God's grace so much more amazing.  It doesn't matter what you are going through, when God says yes...no one can tell you no.  Keep your mind, body and soul strong through faith & fitness and believe that you can do whatever it is you want to.  The bible says, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen".  Have faith that you will reach your fitness goals, commit and watch your dreams come true.  It happened for me and it will happen for you.
Head high, shoulders back and abs tight! XOXO