Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nutrition is Essential!


It’s amazing to me how in 2012 we still suffer from the same misunderstandings that have been proven wrong so many years ago.  The myth that not eating will help you lose weight is one that sends me into a tail spin.  Oh, don’t get me wrong…if you do not eat, you will initially lose weight but that is not all you will lose.  Lack of nutrition causes many issues such as fatigue, muscle loss, hair loss, brittle bones/teeth, a slow metabolism and weight gain to name just a few.  As a matter of fact, per the World Health Organization, poor nutrition and inactivity are the second leading preventable causes of death in the United States. 

This is why it’s so disturbing when people have a YOLO (you only live once) attitude when it comes to exercise and nutrition.  It is true that you only live once however why not live the best life you can and enjoy it as long as possible by treating your body like the temple it was designed to be. 
We live in a world where fast food is the new fine dining and cooking at home is a thing of the past.  It’s unfortunate, however a true state of where we are as an obese nation.  For many it is impossible to live a totally clean life and never succumb to the lure of fast food, cakes, cookies etc.; however that should be a very minimal portion of your healthy diet.  These items are full of fat, sugars, salt, preservatives, chemicals and attribute to a host of illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, some types of cancer, obesity and that list, too, goes on and on.   

The phrase, you have to eat to lose is a staple in my studio and I certainly lead by example.  Clean, healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult.  Once you learn the basics you can easily make wise choices at restaurants, at the grocery store and when attending party’s/events.  Do yourself a favor, sit down with the fitness professional in your life and ask the tough questions, discuss your hang ups/fears and create a plan that will lead you to the road of success. 

Until next time, keep your head held high, shoulders back, abs tight and live a BodybyJuana Lifestyle!

Friday, April 20, 2012

God's Grace

It's been a LONG time since I sat down to blog and boy do I miss it.  It seems my life has mimicked a roller coaster ride paced, ups and downs but certainly a thrill. It's funny how we chart our own course, create our own agenda's and map our road to what we deem as success and God steps in and say...nope, not how it's going to be.  It's natural to resist His way because we simply want to control our own destiny but the sooner we figure out that we have no CONTROL and let go...God will take the reigns and show us a whole new destiny. 

For those not familiar with my journey, let me bring you up to speed.  I planned to graduate from college, get a couple degrees, a couple certificates, retire from At&t (my job of 16 years) and travel the world with my husband and eventually grand kids.  I had decided, I would never work on weekends, never after 3:30p and never during the holidays.  Sounds crazy but I pretty much communicated what I deemed acceptable and it has worked out in my favor.  Fast forward to current times...I now own my own fitness studio...I wake up at 4:30a, I have classes in the evening starting at 4:30p, on the weekends and's too.  Funny how my attitude has changed because I LOVE IT and wouldn't dream of not being their for my clients.

Don't get me wrong...I still have my 7a-3:30p job and I still have the same demands...I will not work weekends, after 3:30p or on holidays (at least there) :-).

My life can be a bit overwhelming but I am so thankful the Lord has surrounded me with some REAL friends that have my back more than I could have ever imagined.  People comment on how organized the studio is, how immaculate it is kept, how smoothly things run and question how is it possible.  The answer to that is GOD.  I promise you...this is not by my doing, I am not capable on my own...its by Gods Grace.

Til Next Time...Head Held High, Shoulder's Back and ABS Tight!